How to find Home tutor near me?
Keeping in mind the present educational scenario, we can roughly estimate that there can be hundreds of Private tutors, Online Tutors & Home tutors near you.
They may be private practicing tutors, tutors engaged with franchisees /coaching hubs, or school-affiliated tutors. Now Hiring the best Home tutor for your child can be a pretty discerning job. It may be confusing and upsetting but if you go through the selection process calmly while keeping a few important points in mind, you just may find the perfect tutor for your child. Following are the checklist of getting a perfect tutor for your child.
Shortcut: Contact us to get the ideal home tutor near you.
Things that should be paid attention to, before hiring the perfect tutor for your ward:
- Identity Proof
- Personality and Habits
- Skill
- Valid Background
- Tutorial strategy
- Demo test
- Fee structure
- Attitude and Enthusiasm
- Communication Proficiency
- Experience
- Additional Queries
Let’s have a detail view at all of them. We recommend you to follow each of them before hiring a tutor for your kid. You can also rely on us to get it done for you. Contact Us
1.Identity Proof:
It is important that the tutor you hire for your child holds a valid Identity proof.
It would be safer for your child if the details of the tutor are authentic.
2.Personality and Habits:
The Home tutor should have a pleasing personality and hygienic outlook.
He/she should not have ill-habits that may affect the students adversely.
Students pick on the bad habits of their tutors easily.

The tutor should be well versed with the subject that he/she would take up with the child.
If the Home tutor does not have enough knowledge about the particular subject then the student may get confused and disoriented.
Get the subject experts at Edook.

4.Valid Background:
If the tutor is not in private practice, it is compulsorily important that you ask the tutor about which institute they are affiliated with and then cross check the same, to be on the safer side.
The tutor should also have professional liability insurance if he/she is affiliated with any institution.
5.Tutorial strategy:
A tutor should have a proper plan in mind to deal with the goals of your child.
He/she should be convincing enough with ready ways to cope up with your child’s needs and academic challenges.
6.Demo test:
This is crucial requisite to assess the deftness of the tutor.
Ask the tutor to take a demo class of your ward and keenly observe the teacher’s approach, behavior with the child, his patience, professionalism, and sincerity.
Your observance will enable you to take the decision.
7. Fee structure:
It is always better to be clear about the fee structure.
His/her fee per session or per month, conditions related to missed classes or other terms should be well defined and should be in accordance with the mutual ease of parent & teacher.
8.Attitude and Enthusiasm:
The teacher should have the knack for handling your ward.
He/she should be passionate in his/her demeanor and approach.
He should have a positive attitude so that the child feels encouraged and motivated by the teacher’s guidance.
9. Communication Proficiency:
The tutor should have a good command of English Language or the language for which the tutor is sought to be hired for.
The tutor’s communicative skills are bound to rub off, on your ward, and someone with a lack of proficiency in the language may adversely affect your child.
10. Experience:
It’s very likely that an Excellent Mentor may have Zero or few years of experience.
Method of teaching & way of communication matters more than experience.
As it goes with phrase “Quality matters more than quantity”.
11. Additional Queries:
Besides the above criteria, a few other questions you may ask the tutor are-
Why do they love their profession?
The number of students they are tutoring presently?
How will they communicate with a child with academic limitations?
How do they propose to keep you updated on your ward’s progress?
We would like to end on the note, that as a parent, you are the best tutor for your child, and if your instincts warn you against a particular tutor, refrain from hiring that person even if all other things are in his/her favor.
There should be no nagging doubt at the back of your mind when you hire a tutor.
Where and how does Edook step in?
If you are having difficulty finding a tutor for your ward, you can call us or Whatsapp us. Edook will help you narrow your choices and find the best tutor for your child.
We believe in you to be the last voice!
We shall enable you to judge our parameters by our demo class that we shall arrange for you on your request.
Our faculty believes in a holistic approach. We not only motivate your child to excel in academics but also try to unearth the overall skills of your child.
We give your child the independence to learn in their own unique manner.
“Why choose rest when you can access the best at Edook.”
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